Mountaineering instructor, Climbing instructor and Rescuer
2005 – 2015
Working on-demand for climbing sport-federations (Evolution Verticale, Passeport ASBL, Climb.be, CAB)
- Taught indoor and outdoor rock-climbing to more than 200 teenagers
- Organized mountain expeditions to remote wilderness areas in Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Bolivia, China and Vietnam
- Belong to a special situations team uniquely qualified to rescue people stuck in inaccessible locations

Founder and Director
Oxygène « Adventure Spirit »
2004 – 2010
Oxygène « Adventure Spirit » is a SME of 15 people providing team-spirit and adventure activities for youth groups like deathrides, obstacle tracks, treeclimbing, …
- Organized team-spirit fostering incentives for groups and organizations
- Led a team up to 15 volunteers and organizing from 10 to 15 incen ves a year
Alpi-secours rescuer
Mountain and vertical rescuing training for rescuing people on cliffs

Climbing instructor level 2
Training to become official climbing instructor at the Belgian Alpine Club with the capabilities to train people for outdoor rock-climbing and competition training

Mountaineering instructor (summer)
Training to become official mountaineering instructor at the Belgian Alpine Club with the capabilities to lead a team in moutains and to give a hand to a mountain guide (only for summer mountaineering)