Last day of the MBA: Mixed feelings. So happy to get at the end of this challenging journey, but also sad to have to close this chapter of my life and say goodbye to many good friends.
It’s time now to start writing the next chapter of my life and catch the great opportunities in front of me that I have been working for. This MBA has been so much more than a degree but a life changing experience.
These last 18 months have been a tremendous adventure. Now it’s over, but the important thing is that the end of an experience leaves a memory so good that it lives in the heart. I’m so grateful to all of the people that have crossed my path ! This has probably been the best 2 years of my life!
Thank you so much to all the people that have been supporting me during the whole process. First of all I want to thank my wife for her unconditional support! She probably deserves this degree even more than I do. She has been there at all times: encouraging me in though moments, preparing good food, raising our son, waking up at night for the baby in order to give me a few more hours of sleep, … I want to thank her so much for that.
These two years have probably been the most difficult one of my life in terms of hard work. But they have certainly also been one of the most beautiful ! Special thank to C2 family for spending the journey together, working hard and binding long lasting friendships together ! You have allowed me to grow personally and professionnally thanks to all your different characters that were all examples to me !
I also have special thoughts to all the friends I have been spending time outside of class hours. Were it in the mountains close to Barcelona or at the other side of the Atlantic. Thanks for following me in my crazy ideas, even if sometimes I’m a bit too crazy and I end up breaking my arm 😉
I can’t omit mentioning the IESE Entrepreneurs’ Club. Running this club and putting all my energy for making IESE Business School a little bit more entrepreneurial was a challenging bet. But along the process I must admit that I had the chance to meet with amazing people from IESE and outside of IESE that really inspired me and gave me the energy to move this forward. I hope that I was able to sow some seeds in the minds of other people showing them the way to start their own business ideas !
Finally I want also to thank all the remarkable individuals of our class who were by my side in so many occasions, from class work, to drinks and long philosophical discussions. It has been a real pleasure meeting you all. After building those friendships our new mission is to stay in touch wherever we decide to go for our next professionnal step.
Thank you to everyone who took this journey with me. I am forever changed.
Officially a graduate, and a Master of Business Administration!